Credit Application form Date:* Corporate or Company name: * Is your company Incorporated? YesNo If yes, which state? Fed ID: * Bill to address: * City: * State: * Zip Phone: Ship to address (if different from above): City: State: * Zip Phone Are you sales Taxable? YesNo If no please provide exemption certificate: Number of years under present ownership: Nature of business: OWNERS, PRINCIPALS, and OFFICERS Name Address Phone Have you or any other Owners/Partners or Officers with the Co. listed above filed bankruptcy in the past five years? YesNo If yes please list details: Controller name Phone Controller Email: * Controller Fax: Accounts payable contact: Phone: Accounts payable Email: Accounts payable Fax: Bank Name: * Address: * Contact Name: * Phone: Acct #: Duns #: Checking: Loan: Please provide 5 Company Trade References Name, Address, Contact Person, Telephone, Fax # and Account # Name Address Contact Person Telephone Fax & Account Signature of corporate officer: * Date: * Printed name: Title: *