Please open and inspect your order within 2 days of receipt. If you need to initiate a return please send an e-mail to for a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number prior to returning products. Returns sent without an RMA will not be accepted.

After an RMA number is obtained, please submit the RMA Form.

General Product Returns

Customers are responsible for returning products in a safe and undamaged condition at their own cost. In case the order was shipped to customer under Free Freight, the freight would be deducted from the credit note.

Incorrectly Shipped Orders

Damaged Product Returns

All packaging should be kept as carrier may choose to inspect the damaged goods and shipping box at the delivery address. OVERDRIVE will issue a credit to the customer pending confirmation from the carrier. If we request that the goods be returned, OVERDRIVE will either issue a call tag or provide a prepaid return address label for returns.


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