ROI Calculator

A). Compute The total power (Kilowatts, KW) saved by upgrading older Bulbs to energy saving LED replacements
ParameterUnitNumerical Value
Current Lamp WattageW
Overdrive Lamp WattageW
Watts SavedW
Number of LampsBulbs Quantity
Total Watts SavedW
Total KiloWatts SavedKW
B). Compute the total energy (kilowatt hours, kWh) saved annually by performing this upgrade
ParameterUnitNumerical Value
Total KiloWatts SavedKW
Hours of Use per Dayhrs/day
Days of Use per Weekday/week
Week of Use per Yearwks/y
Total KWH Saved per YearKWH/yr
C). Compute the total energy cost saving per year
ParameterUnitNumerical Value
Total KWH Saved per YearKWH/yr
Your Energy Cost per KWHUSD/KWH
Total Energy Cost Savings Per YearUSD/yr
D). Compute the lifetime energy cost savings
ParameterUnitNumerical Value
Replacement Bulb Lifehours
Hours per Year Usagehr/yr
Total Energy Cost Savings Per YearUSD/yr
Lifetime Energy Cost SavingsUSD
ParameterUnitNumerical Value
Replacement Bulb Unit PriceUSD/pcs
Initial Cost of LED Light BulbUSD
Total Energy Cost Savings per YearUSD/yr
Simple Payback on Energy ConsumptionYears
Return on Investment(ROI)%
E). Compute the lifetime labor/inventory/acquistion costs savings from upgrading to longer life LED replacements
ParameterUnitNumerical Value
Replacement Bulb Lifehours
Original Bulb Lifehours
Labor Cost to Change Original BulbUSD
Cost of Original BulbUSD
How many Bulbs to ReplaceBulbs Quantity
Cost to Install Replacement LED BulbUSD
Total Lifetime Bulb Changing Cost SavingsUSD
F). Compute the amortized bulb changing cost savings per year
ParameterUnitNumerical Value
Total Lifetime of Replacement Cost SavingsUSD
Total Lifetime of Replacement BulbYears
Total Amortized Replacement Cost Savings Per YearUSD
ParameterUnitNumerical Value
Simple Payback on Energy Consumption Plus Replacement CostsYears
Initial Cost of Lighting Upgrade Per BulbsUSD
Total Energy + Replacement Cost Savings per yearUSD
Return on Investment (ROI)%


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